Jonathan London
Froggy loves the library! When Froggy and Mom and Pollywogilina set out for the library, Froggy brings a wheelbarrow to hold all the books he plans to borrow. There are so many to choose from: Dinosaur books! Books about Space Frog! Froggy is so excited that he forgets to use his indoor voice. Readers enjoy Froggy's antics, and so does Miss Otterbottom, the librarian. "Come again soon, Froggy, she says."
14) Giving thanks
A boy's father celebrates the interconnectedness of the natural world through his daily words of thanks and assures his son, who finds it a little embarrassing to thank trees and such, that it becomes a habit and makes one feel good.
17) Flamingo sunset
Watch a flamingo hatch from its egg until it becomes a full-grown flamingo.
18) Hippos are huge!
What's the deadliest animal in Africa? It's not the lion or the crocodile--it's the hippopotamus! Hippos have razor-sharp tusks, weigh as much as fifty men, and can run twenty-five miles per hour! Follow these hefty hulks as they glide underwater, play tug-of-war, swat balls of dung at one another, and nuzzle their young in the mud. Just don't get too close--they could chomp you in two!