Companion DVD: Face the nation 50 years (highlights of selected episodes): In the beginning: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (11/7/54) --
Greatest scoop: Nikita Khrushev (6/02/57) --
Under the gun: Fidel Castro (1/11/59) --
Civil rights: Roy Wilkins (9/7/58) ; Martin Luther King Jr. (5/10/64) ; George Wallace (3/14/65) --
Vietnam: Hubert Humphrey (8/2/64) ; Dean Rusk (3/7/65) ; Melvin R. Laird (6/13/71) --
Women on Face: Eleanor Roosevelt and Margaret Chase Smith (11/4/56) ; Lesley Stahl (11/16/86) --
Presidents and TV: Dwight D. Eisenhower on Richard Nixon (11/10/63) ; John F. Kennedy on Catlolicism (10/30/60) ; Lyndon Johnson on John F. Kennedy (5/22/60) ; Richard Nixon on budget (10/27/68) ; Gerald Ford on running mate (6/6/76) --
Sunday primaries: George McGovern (5/27/72) ; Michael Dukakis (1/24/88) ; Ross Perot (9/26/92) ; Bob Dole (4/21/96) ; Al Gore (10/3/99) --
The Clinton story: Robert Bennett, John Breaus, Patrick Leahy (2/7/99) ; William Ginsberg (2/1/98); Bob Bennett (10/12/97); Rahm Emanuel (9/20/98) --
9/11: Byron Pitts, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Colin Powell (9/16/01) ; Donald Rumsfeld (9/23/01) --
War in Iraq: Condolesa Rice (2/9/03); Richard Cheney (3/16/03) ; Scott Pelley, Jim Axelrod, Mark Strassmann (3/20/03 ); John Roberts (3/30/03) ; Lara Logan (4/6/03) --
Final thoughts with Bob Scheffer.