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Keeping the trademark month by month format that allows parents to take the potentially overwhelming first year one step at a time, First Year is easier to read, faster to flip through, and new family friendlier than ever, packed with even more practical tips, realistic advice, and relatable, accessible information than before. Illustrations are new, too. Among the changes: Baby care fundamentals--crib and sleep safety, feeding, vitamin supplements--are...
"When your baby is unhappy, you're unhappy. Learn the experts' secrets to soothing your fussy little one, for happier days and more restful nights! Whether your baby is colicky, fussy, or just plain cranky, the proven techniques in The CALM Baby Method will help you both feel better. With decades of expertise as a pediatric occupational therapist and a pediatric gastroenterologist, Patti Ideran and Dr. Mark Fishbein have helped thousands of parents...
Infants' brains are actively developing with everything they experience. Examine how newborns fit into the sensorimotor stage - tracing cognitive development from simple reflexes to beginnings of thought. Explore infant intelligence, information processing and memory. See the progression of infant communication from crying - to giggling - to euphoric babbling and their first words! Understand how language is learned and how caregivers can use infant-directed...
In the first year of life, infants express a range of emotions - from faces of distress to spontaneous laughter. Watch as they begin to distinguish the expressions of others and mimic them as well. Examine the different stages of emotional development, and learn how children form attachments with people. Observe how personality and temperament affect an infant's social and emotional growth and how caregivers handle various situations.
The trip from the womb to the world is the longest, most traumatic journey a human will ever take. One result is to send newborns into months of what is much like severe jet lag. Their first sleeping patterns are nearly random. They need to learn night from day and adjust sleep patterns to fit their new world. This dance of adjustment - of children to the world and parents to children - is what Go to bed! is all about. (Learning Seed, USA).
The development of a secure attachment relationship is a cruicial part of early development. Through careful observation of early relationships all other areas of development are observed as well. This film shows baby Orson as he develops through his first twelve months. Starting with a sequence filmed just after birth, there is a sequence for every month of this first year and sometimes more than one. The sequences all involve interactions with others...
We follow a typical two year old - she loves learning and exploring. She is becoming increasingly independent, wanting to do more things for herself. Sometimes she becomes overwhelmed by her feelings as she struggles with what she can and can't do. This film gives a rounded picture of her life, at home and at nursery, throughout the whole year until her third birthday. It clearly shows the importance of good relationships with her close adults and...
Watch a cast of infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops and what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth. Also learn the importance of proper nutrition and sleep in the first year. See how infants rely on their innate reflexes and how gross and fine motor skills emerge in typically developing children as well as those with challenging conditions.
14) Global babies
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Presents photographs of babies from all over the world in their native costume and describes how all babies are special.
Developed by the Global Fund for Children.
Comprehensive examples of all key stages of physical development from birth to 12 months are illustrated in this film. Information precedes each of the 46 examples filmed during this rapid period of development. The following stages are discussed: Newborn, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months. For each of these ages, aspects of physical development are illustrated: primitive reflexes, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, vision.
"Nearly all babies fight sleep. Some people argue that parents should let their baby "cry it out" until the child falls asleep; others say parents should tough it out from dusk until dawn. Neither tactic fosters happiness in the family. The No-Cry Sleep Solution gives parents a third option: a proven method to pin-point the root of sleep problems and solve them in a way that is gentle to babies, effective for parents, and provides peace in the home....
The Wonder Weeks. How to stimulate your baby's mental development and help him turn his 10 predictable, great, fussy phases into magical leaps forward describes in easy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changes that all babies go through during the first 20 months of their lives. This is the extended, "fat" edition with 2 more chapters covering 2 more leaps in the mental development of your baby up to the end of the sensorimotor period....
''Congratulations on your new baby, dad! The next few months will come with a lot of joy, a lot of changes, and a lot to learn--and this book for first-time fathers is here to help. Written by a dad and pediatrician, it's filled with supportive and straightforward advice especially for dads. It's your one-stop resource for everything from birth and basic newborn care to baby-proofing your home, discovering your parenting style, and being there for...
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